1. Is there a fast grouping and merging algorithm? 2. Single-threaded merging is too slow. Will parallel merging greatly improve merging efficiency? 3. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. ...
for example, an array: [235, 42, 8, 100] now you need to sort by last bit , and the final result should be: [100, 42, 235, 8] excuse me: how to achieve this function, what is needed is an algorithm < hr > Thank you for @ lejoy s advice. A simp...
there is a balanced binary tree. How to ensure balance by adding 2 new nodes? for example, the weights are as follows: 100, 92, 86, 56, 6, 10, 90 , how to build a balanced binary tree? ...
given a pointer p, how do I delete the node pointed to by a single linked list p? ...
an algorithm for shopping cart, the general flow is: know the price and importance level of each item (1 to 5 are the most important). In the case of a limited amount, you can buy one or more goods, each with a quantity of 1, achieving the highest poi...
We know that the collections of the python built-in module has a lot of useful operations. for example: from collections import Counter -sharp -sharp top n user_counter = Counter("abbafafpskaag") print(user_counter.most_common(3)) -sharp[( ...
there are two files, A.txt and B.txt. there are 3000w rows of data in A.txt. The contents separated by spaces between id and username are as follows: id usernmae 1 zhangsan 2 lisi ...... there are 3000w rows of data in B.txt. The contents sep...
recently, we are going to do a statistics on the activity of the industry in the project, and the three factors that affect the activity of the industry are the number of posts issued by the industry, the number of comments on the information of the indu...
encounters a javascript algorithm problem, which requires that find out all prime factors of a number algorithm I designed: function primeFactors(n){ var factors = []; var divisor = 3; if (n % 2==0) factors.push(2); while(n>5){ ...
I don t know how to describe the seed nodes, which are those under the child nodes that have no child nodes (what exactly is the node, would you please correct it for me?). as shown in the figure, the red box marks the child nodes that need to be obt...
paper in: Finding odd cycle transversals but when I read this paper , I only know that the idea of the algorithm is recursion, and then wiki : odd cycle transversal the description of odd cycle transversal is to remove k points into a bipartit...
I have two elements, a parent element and a child element. the parent element rotates N degrees. then I want to move the positioning of the child element, which moves relative to the parent element. how do I calculate the offset value. Let it move re...
binary tree preorder traversal ** * Definition for a binary tree node. * struct TreeNode { * int val; * struct TreeNode *left; * struct TreeNode *right; * }; * ** * Return an array of size *returnSize. * Note: The returned arr...
how does gitlab enable https Jump ...
1.notify_url :http: payCenter payFinish :http: ip:port payCenter payFinish 2. Local private network traversal is used. The notification address is as above everything is normal. After successful payment, you can receive the callback notification f...
such as the title, the development tool pycharm,python version 3.6 jpype0.6.3, the system win7. problem description: an error has been reported when debugging code snippets about jpype with pycharm, and the next step cannot be taken. Then it is strange...
py file as long as there is code similar to self.myButton.clicked.connect (self.myPrint) in the code, after conversion to pyd, the call will pop up: python.exe has stopped working window, and then closed there is nothing, do not know how to start, pleas...
I use django2.0 the default route access address is http: host blog 1 . I wish it could be http: host blog 1.html is there any way to achieve this? I ve been searching the Internet for a long time, and I don t know how to solve it ...